When you apply to a job and go days and weeks without hearing back, you can get very frustrated. It is easy to lose motivation and stay positive. At LocalWork.com, I am able to pour through piles of data and see what is working well, and what is not so good. It is interesting to see the common mistakes people make on their resumes, but I thought this week I could give you 3 specific examples where people who do this one their resumes, not only get more call backs for interviews, but often times get hired faster.
3 Tips To Get More Call Backs From Your Resume
1- Customize Your Resume
Customize each resume to match the job you’re applying to. Each position will be unique, and so should your resume. It’s okay to directly adapt your messaging to their job requirements. Show the recruiter your work ethic and attention to detail. You can then adapt the language in your resume to fit requirements and skills each job description list.
2- Accomplishments first
Describe the outcomes of each role, then talk about the process. If I were describing my time as a sales rep, it would sound something like this: In 6 months I increased revenue by $300k by cold calling past clients and leads. With consistent follow through and professionalism I won them back as clients. I utilized a CRM and built a sales pipeline process to help efficiency. This process in now utilized with sales reps inside the organization.
3- You Need To Match
Apply to jobs where you match at least to 80-85% of the requirements. If a job has requirements listed that are outside your experience, it’s okay to still apply, but you should still fit a majority of the requirements. Push yourself to get a better job. Stay realistic along the way. If you feel like it’s a stretch and it might not be a good fit, look for contact info of the recruiter. You never know if those requirements are all mandatory or “nice to have.”
Need more help getting your resume enhanced? Here are a few of our favorite resources: